contact number: 025-85289060

Fullows GmbH

HVAC Butterfly Valves

Fullows HVAC Butterfly Valves

Fullows - Series 500 Butterfly Valves

Resilient seats

EPDM (Peroxide Cured)

Continuous Operating Range -20° to 275

EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) is a hydrocarbon elastomer. It has good resistance to ozone, deionized water, strong and oxidizing chemicals. EPDM is used in a wide range of applications including hot and cold water and low pressure 15# steam.


Continuous Operating Range +10° to 200

Buna-N (Nitrile) elastomers have have tensile strength, low compression set and good resistance to aging. Buna-N is a general service seat with good resistance to water, air, oils, greases, hydraulic fluids and hydrocarbons, Not recommended for gasolines.

Viton® (Dupont)

Continuous Operating Range +0° to 400

Viton elastomer has good resistance to acids, oils / aromatic hydrocarbons, and high temperature. Not for Steam service.


Continuous Operating Range +0° to 176

Polyurethane elastomer has good resistance to abrasive materials. Rigid phenolic backed seat will withstand severe impact and recover without tearing.

The Fullows valve body is yellow color to ensure easy identification of poly seated valves.

